The Sunshine Blogger Award

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This is the first time I have been nominated for this award and I am speechless. All I can say is thank you, I am so honored.

I was nominated for this award by Rainy of Please visit her amazing site here.  I met Rainy on forums when I started blogging The Post-Apocalyptic Murkland Challenge, and I am amazed at the number of challenges she has completed and blogged. Plus, she is so helpful! If you ever need help in anything, she is willing and able to help you with anything and everything. I just love all her stories, and am following quite a few, including two collaborations that we are working on, the Alien Adoption Challenge and the Robinson Legacy Collaboration.

The Rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you in the blog post.
  • Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate as many bloggers as you want.

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Questions I Am Answering:

Rainy’s Questions:

  1. What is your favorite domestic pet? You know, I’ve had a few pets, but my favorite is a dog. I have a beagle and she is my favorite so far, although when I named her Bessie, my son told me that Bessie was a cow’s name! Well, sometimes she is part cow, she does eat grass.
  2. If you could meet a character from a book and/or movie who would it be and why? This is a tough one, there are many. I am going to say Melanie Hamilton Wilkes from Gone with the Wind. She saw only the good in people. I love the part in Gone with the Wind when she is feeding the soldiers and thinking that somewhere, maybe someone was caring for her own husband as he was travelling the road home. She defended Scarlett, even though Scarlett was lusting after Melanie’s husband. Melanie was proud to be seen with Belle Watling (a prostitute), for protecting her husband. This was really unheard of in 1861. Even though Melanie did what she was supposed to do in her social circle, she also did what she felt was the right thing to do, and also convinced others to do so as well. Melanie had a quiet leadership about her and believed in the good of people.
  3. When did you start blogging Sims stories aka SimLit? Well, I’m a noobie, so just started last year in fact (2016).
  4. Do you like the Vampire gamepack?  If you don’t own it why not? I don’t own the vampire pack and I don’t think I’ll be buying it. I didn’t really like the vampires in Sims 3.
  5. Longest played Sim family? Well, probably my family stuck in Sims 3, the Le Jardin family. Couldn’t see them die, so they are locked in time forever.
  6. What do you do for fun other than gaming? Well, I like to garden and read in my spare time. I used to do a lot of camping, hiking and canoeing. I like to travel, and travel the road less travelled. You know, read the guidebooks and they tell you there is a perfect picnic spot by a dam, not 20 miles off the freeway, and so I go and explore (and yes, I have actually done this).
  7. Your craziest moment?  (Like dying your hair weird or getting drunk and dancing on tables!) I have actually danced on tables before, but let’s just say my craziest moment is yet to come!
  8. Do you ever wish you were a sim?  Why or why not? To be a puppet for someone who could control my life? No. To live in wealth and riches, sure.
  9. Favorite Shakespearean character, play, or poem? Lady MacBeth, such a dramatic schemer, but her guilt does her in, in the end.
  10. Do you have a smartphone?  If so, how much time a day do you spend on it? I just have a boring cell phone, my husband has the smartphone (which I use). If I had one myself, I would spend way too much time on it!
  11. Are you artistic in some way?  If yes, what do you do? Unfortunately, not, don’t paint, don’t play a musical instrument, I just plan. When I used to volunteer with Girl Guides (Girl Scouts in US), I used to plan grand-scale ceremonies with props and music, and also planned a ton of theme birthdays, and also plan decorating contests at work now. I am a creative visionary – lol. I used to do crafts and sewing, but don’t really do that anymore.

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Questions I Am Asking:

  1. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you travel to and why?
  2. What is your favorite food?
  3. Of all the Sims 4 expansions and packs, which is your favorite?
  4. What is the difference between ooohh and ahhhh?
  5. Do you have a bucket list? If so, list one thing on it.
  6. What is your favorite color?
  7. Do you speak another language?
  8. If you could be a famous person for a day, who would it be? (You would have whatever skills you needed to be this person…just imagine….)
  9. What is your favorite song right now?
  10. Do you collect anything?
  11. If you were a superhero, what would your power be? Try to choose just one.

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My Nominations:

There are so many wonderful blogs out there, some of which I have yet to discover, but these are a few of my favorites, so far (aside from Rainy and Meggles, of course!) lol

LisaBeeSims – One of the very first sites that I started following when she was writing her Post-Apocalyptic Murkland Challenge. I am now following her Bachelorette Challenge. Lisa really puts a lot of work into her writing and set-up for her stories. Plus, all her stories are family friendly. You won’t be disappointed, so follow her here

Tammy329 – I met Tammy when doing The Post-Apocalyptic Murkland Challenge, and loved her story. She has other stories on her blog site that I have yet to read. Follow her here.

Cathy Tea – If anyone hasn’t heard of her, she is one fantastic lady who encourages writing! She has so many stories and projects on the go, she is amazing! I am currently in a collaboration with her for The Alien Adoption Challenge, and have also participated in The Pen Pal Project. Pick one of her many stories and follow her here.

Erin Belfiore – Play all Day – I am following her Diary of Elise Robinson, which is a legacy collaboration. I love the idea of the diary and like her writing style. There are so many other stories on her blog that I will have to read. Elise Robinson collaboration

LegacySims2017 – I love the fact that he started a challenge with a pre-made family. I am currently following his restaurant challenge, House of Pancakes


10 thoughts on “The Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. Pingback: Sunshine Blogger – SoulGal’s Questions | Cathy Tea's SimLit Anthology

    • Gone with the Wind is one of my favorite books and movies. Love them both. I love Scarlett O’Hara, but if you think about it, she really is self-absorbed, scheming and full of drama. Melanie, however, is an enduring character, some may see her as weak, but she is a very strong character and a natural leader. I would prefer to meet Melanie. We can all learn to be more like her, accepting of others, and doing what she feels is right, even in a very restrictive society (such as saying thank you to Belle Watling, unheard of in those days to speak to such a woman).

      Liked by 1 person

      • I agree with all of that. Scarlett was spoiled and used it to her advantage. If she wanted something she HAD to have it no matter what, even if it was someone else’s man. She did marry her sister’s boyfriend after all.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. So, I’m sitting here going through my WordPress reader and realized I’d missed reading a bunch of stuff somehow. This included. I’m sorry! I loved reading the answers to my questions. After that description, I want to read Gone with the Wind!

    Liked by 2 people

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